Company Formation

Our core business is focused on consulting and implementation of company formations in the UAE and Dubai, as well as taking care of the whole visa- and residency-process. Our company formation process follows the AAS scheme – analysis, advice, service. We establish your company in Dubai in three simple steps.

Step 1: Analysis

In a first step we analyze your current situation during a free initial consultation and would like to understand your needs.

Step 2: Advise

In a second step, we provide you with advice on your needs and put together a tailor-made concept. In the case of in-depth tax and/or legal questions, we also consult with experts in the relevant field. Subsequently, we present our solution to you and submit a concrete offer.

Step 3: Service

The final step is the implementation of the business setup and any other services. You simply provide us with the required data and documents and we take care of the rest. We take care of all the official procedures, take care of submitting the documents, obtaining the permits and applying for the business license.

PRO Services

The Public Relations Officer (PRO), also known as the Government Liaison Officer, is responsible for a wide range of activities, often related to the government. For example, he is responsible for processing government documents, legal documents and all other documentation related to setting up a business in the UAE. 

He assists in issuing business permits, applying for visas for partners or employers of companies as well as their employees, implementing government orders and renewing business licenses. 

Registering and establishing a business in Dubai requires a series of legal procedures with the Department of Economic Development (DED). Unlike much of the competition, we always work closely with a PRO, which allows us to expedite these same processes. 

Mainland vs.Free Zone


Most businesses in the UAE and Dubai are located in the Mainland. The Mainland is regulated by the government’s Department of Economic Development (DED for short). It is governed by the state legal system and companies in the Mainland abide by the terms agreed upon by law. 

Companies within the Mainland have no territorial restrictions and can do business outside the country’s borders as well as within the country’s borders. With a Mainland company you therefore enjoy a maximum of freedom and flexibility with regard to the development and management of your business. 

Important in connection with the establishment of a company in the Mainland is the equity held. The UAE government reformed the company law in June 2021. Now 100% ownership of a mainland company is possible. Previously, foreign partners of the company were allowed to own a maximum of 49% of the company’s shares, and the remaining 51% had to be held by an Emirati sponsor. This is now obsolete. Establishing a company in the Mainland also opens up the possibility of expanding further branches of your company to other parts of Dubai and the UAE. 

Shareholders of a company in the Mainland can be natural persons respectively private individuals as well as foreign companies (e.g. limited liability company as a legal entity) and a managing director with signing authority is required.


Free Zones are legal systems run independently of the state. Companies in the Freezone may only conduct business within the respective Freezone or outside the UAE. Licenses for the company within the Freezone are issued based on the company’s respective business activities. 

An often 50-year guaranteed tax-free period within the Freezone, 100% repatriation benefits and the absence of foreign exchange restrictions are just a few of the advantages of Freezones. 

Almost all Freezones offer the same activities, so it is advisable to pay attention to the Freezones’ value for money and reputation. We only work with the best Freezones in terms of performance, quality and service.

Advantages of a mainland company

Advantages of a free zone company

Company Types

There are different company types within Dubai and the UAE. Here is an overview of the most popular ones.

Civil Company

A Civil Company is located in the Mainland territory. 100% ownership through a foreign party is possible. However, the liability is not limited (full private liability) and every Civil Company has to have a UAE national as a Local Service Agent (LSA). The LSA receives a yearly fee for being mentioned in the trade license, but it is common to make agreements which do not give him any rights and shares within the company. We can provide reliable and affordable LSAs.


An L.L.C (Limited Liability Company) is also located in the Mainland. 100% foreign ownership is possible for the most activities. However, certain activity fields require a UAE national as a local partner, who owns 51% of the shares. In this case an agreement between the Local Partner and the company can be made, which excludes the Local Partner from having profit shares or banking access. 

The advantage of the L.L.C is that there is no personal liability – the liability only goes as far as the companies assets.


A FZCO is a free zone Company in one of the more than 40 free zones within the UAE. Similar to the L.L.C in the Mainland, it is a legal form where there is no transparency principle between the shareholder and the company. The assets and liabilities are attributable to the company. As with the L.L.C., the liability is limited to the unpaid contribution.

Our Strengths and Values


Our key value is honesty.
“Honesty is the fastest way to prevent a mistake from turning into a failure.

James Altucher


We are always transparent with each other and with our clients.
“A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.

Dalai Lama


We value integrity more than fast income.
“Integrity is choosing your thoughts and actions based on values rather than personal gain.

Chris Karcher


Our processes are time- and cost-efficient, which is mutually beneficial to us and our partners and clients.
“Efficiency is intelligent laziness.”

David Dunham


We take pride in building business up as a long-term investment. It should be about steady and healthy growth.
“Entrepreneurship is a muscle, and winning is an endurance game.”

Caroline Ghosn


We take pride in being professionals.
“Professionalism is knowing how to do it, when to do it, and doing it.”

Frank Tyger