In solution B2B you can benefit from our extensive experience in the field of company formations, to that end, in consulting and implementation as well as in strategy and go to-market consulting. On the one hand you have the possibility to recommend us to possible interested parties from your network and on the other hand you can outsource your services to us.

Become a referral partner

What could be more pleasant than receiving a commission for a simple referral? Sign a Tipster Agreement with us and recommend us to potential clients who need one of our services. In return, you can benefit from passive income.

In addition, we open the doors to our worldwide network of entrepreneurs, which we have built up especially around company formations in Dubai. We deal almost exclusively with entrepreneurs from a wide range of business sectors who also have global and cultural foresight and a strong network.

Outsource your services

Are you yourself active in one of our service areas, but you are too busy in terms of personnel and time or do not have the necessary knowledge? Then you can source

  • Entire company formations – especially in Dubai – or related process steps or
  • Consulting services to us. We always do our best to help you.

Our Strengths and Values


Our key value is honesty.
“Honesty is the fastest way to prevent a mistake from turning into a failure.

James Altucher


We are always transparent with each other and with our clients.
“A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.

Dalai Lama


We value integrity more than fast income.
“Integrity is choosing your thoughts and actions based on values rather than personal gain.

Chris Karcher


Our processes are time- and cost-efficient, which is mutually beneficial to us and our partners and clients.
“Efficiency is intelligent laziness.”

David Dunham


We take pride in building business up as a long-term investment. It should be about steady and healthy growth.
“Entrepreneurship is a muscle, and winning is an endurance game.”

Caroline Ghosn


We take pride in being professionals.
“Professionalism is knowing how to do it, when to do it, and doing it.”

Frank Tyger